That's BRZ fast

If this was local, I’d be there.

You got it. Most would rather have the look than the performance. There is a reason the mid-size body on frame SUV is all but dead.


I flew out of PHL last week. At 4pm on a Friday, I was the only one in the security line. There was no one already scanned standing there, getting scanned or even behind me after I left. The whole airport was at I’d say at 25-35% from normal.

One of my issues with Snowrunner is that when the transmission is in auto you can not hold a gear and never down shifts unless you get bogged down quickly it cuts your momentum by stopping and re-engaging 1st. There is the clutch button, but that is only helpful when switching gears.

I do not want to be “that guy”, but this is the person who run against any additional regulation.

The best looking Mustang I've seen

Their is probably a trick to getting Lake Kovd to appear. Check on the web.


I have a 9 year old 4Runner with 94k on it. Not a single rattle. 

I’d would put money on the fact that if you asked any Gensis owner if they knew the car was available in a manual, they’d say no.

I would love to have a super simple 78 Series

This needs more stars.

Well you can’t really blame them. Or any automaker killing the manuals and the small cars. Just another nail in the coffin for the manual enthusiast.

The wife mentioned picking up an Si coupe for weekend duties.

So thats why none of the pictures have raised white letters on the tires. Shame really, I dig the look.

Hmm but what catchy 70's song can we attach it to where the lyrics sound similar to the name?

Tires are the biggest difference maker. As soon as you can purchase the Paystar. It will make a world of difference. The Fleetstar is a good truck, but it’s only slightly better than the GMC on anything less than offroad tires. And to be honest the Paystar can do anything the Fleetstar can (crane + flatbed/sideboard +


“I watch them on television”