
Wow you certainly know a lot about me (you're not here somewhere, are you?) I understand that you're keen to frame this as a shallow, childish 'left wing director good, right wing director BAAAAD' type of thing in my part but it would totally depend on the specific circumstances. The point I was making before is that,

If Eastwood did it? Cast a woman famous for shouting on SNL as a shouting woman? In what looks like an incredibly broad summer comedy? I think 'surprise' might be my first reaction.

Well yeah, apart from the father who realises he must confront the son he let down. You know, after he's reunited with the love of his life (you know, those two people who were meant to be together but were torn apart by shared parental guilt.) And the son who's emotionally tortured by the ideology he's been seduced

Then she could have a conversation with Moneypenny but later M tells her that Moneypenny's been dead for 10 years!

I mean, I guess. It's unfortunate that they *didn't* use the opportunity to show a black person in a more education-requiring profession but I don't think that alone makes them bigots.

Oh sorry, yeah I don't give a fuck if Ghostbusters winks at the original, I'd be surprised if it didn't. Looks OK, definitely going to check it out. I was just commenting on the Force Awakens thing specifically as I think that specific criticism of it is often really overstated.

We'll hate remakes next time. The MRA tears on this one are too delicious to miss.

That's not actually true. It shares a lot of structural beats with ANH but the emotional journeys of all the characters are really really different.

Do you think that they think that if the black lady were more educated, less people would have wanted to see the film?

It's like a soft blanket straight out of the dryer, isn't in?

I think that's a little overstated.

The IMBD boards make YouTube comments look like a fucking TED talk.

Honestly, I gave up on this being any good a while back and 100% invested in its success purely as a means of upsetting MRA douchebags (because, if you genuinely 'hated' it because you thought it looked bad, the good reviews should be a relief, right?) If it's well received, makes decent money and is actually an

It's not as though she's a crack addict on welfare, she works on the subway, doesn't she?

Have you seen the trailer for this new Star Wars movie George Lucas is making? The Phantom something? My god, it looks amazing. So atmospheric.

>She coons it up

It's been known.

I'm usually pretty bilious on Thursdays, if it can wait?

I think you have it perfect, apart from that I beleive he actually says "judicium restrangement order".

>Well, you need some specific examples to comment on.