Chris Amaya

That’s the first thing that came to mind. But what about Gorman? They both drifted. What about Ron Pearlman?!

And to think I almost skipped this series because I thought the promo image of Ezra with his wrist rocket looked stupid.

Ferarri pretty much killed it in the end. From what I’ve read, they had a number of people ready to plunk some money down for this car. I think the owner of the only one actually takes it out rally racing.

Toyota SuprB M? I’ll see myself out.

Is the C1 Pro that good? I won one from Anker last week and have yet to install it.

Is the C1 Pro that good? I won one from Anker last week and have yet to install it.

Dat rear end, tho. Just me?

My heart hurt when he lit the car on fire. Now I can rest easy knowing that no SS’s were harmed in the making of that film.


Did your father raise you to not capitalize names... FATHER?


Good to know. Thank you!

I quite think that it looks good, too.

Well hullo there, neighbor!

A Target in Santa Clara. I just moved up here so I’m not sure exactly which one. Maybe about a week and a half ago.

I don’t really see it. Lol.

Apparently 1 of 6 Model 3’s in the San Jose area. This one was at a Target in the middle of the night. What are the odds?

Sorry for the shitty pictures.


I hear that their go pedal is a great item.