Chris Amaya


You can shift gears without using the clutch?! Forgive me for I am a noob.

I think that spoiler on the back looks fantastic.

I happen to enjoy a Double Gulp full of Mountain Dew, thanyouverymuch!

Mmmm. Bacon.

Buy a place somewhere in Europe close to a track where I can learn to drive fast and well, buy a lot of tasty euro hot hatches among other cool cars, and drive until I can’t drive no mo. I think the craziest car I’d buy is a Porsche Cayman GT4.

Wanted it to look like this

Maybe it's just me but, am I the only one who almost whacks my jaw on the windshield frame whilst trying to slide into low seated spiders? Almost broke my face trying to get into the Alfa 4c Spider.... Just me?

Has to be a BRZ. The FRS smiles like this.

Tldr; Blessed virgins have awesome breast perfumes.

I love how you just rolled with the paragraph comment lol

It’s hard not to drive it in sport mode. Lol

Have a 2013 Abarth. I love it so much.

A rich bastard who I believe actually used it for rallying :)

I just think it’s funny that when I give it gas to go, the guy in the civic next to me takes it as a challenge and speeds off when the light turns green.

Noob questions but, doesn’t the muffler quiet down the car? I don’t see any bulging monstrosity from under the car. Just pipes.

I live in California and I don’t think it has a muffler.

I own an Abarth and I can honestly say that I love how it sounds.

Tesla models S, 3, X. Heh heh heh.