Chris Amaya

It's a shame Cadillac is going to get rid of the wagon. If anything, they should release them in less numbers. Know what I mean? For every 10 CTS/CTS V sedans and coupes, they should release 2 or 3 Wagons. Which is what they should do for the RS4 Avant...or any avant!!!!

She's pure sex bot....I mean....Robot....

Awful indeed......

Right? I bought the game under the assumption that Connor was a bloodthirsty, insane, I'll scalp anyone who stands in my way, Benjamin Martin's Ghost father. Not to mention his lame resolution with Haytham because of the biggest villain cliche ever....Monologue.....The upmtion made an ass out of me :(


No clue. But that's what I read. I was also reading some people's reactions to the final game and they said there's little to no difference :( I SO CONFOOSED!!!

From what I've heard, you can make 9 trillion dollaz by eating one more piece of cheeeeze. Oh and Platinum said that the final game will play very differently from the demo :)

Hahaha the butthurt is strong with this one.

I freaking love that song! Still listen to it.


Well, she's not fat. I would say she's just a plain phony.

2 was monumentally stupidest of the entire series.

Or running around with Super Saiyan like powers.......wait what?

I think the BRZ was confirmed to be in Fast 6. Luckily it looks to have a stock body. Whew.

Funny you should mention this. There's 2 G35's at the college I go to with the GTR front and they look absolutely stupid.

I love dags!

You won't regret it. Just the absurdity of the intro bank sequence and parachute sequence in the beginning had me loving this game from the very start!

'Twas put in Forza 4 last year :)


From what I hear, whoever put his tires on didn't do it right.