Chris Amaya

How come he has a clutch pedal but he doesn't use it every time when he changes gears?

No homo?

It seems like they modeled the new Dante after taylorwolfboyteamwhateverthehellhisnameis.

It's about half a mil in the game. I rented it from redbox today and I don't want to take it back :( I have fallen in love with the absurdity (mostly unintentional on my part) of this game.

Is that a white GT-Rish clone in the game?!?!?!?!

"Please tell me know".........

It's funny you mention "from scratch" because 800 of those 1000 cars look like they were ported from GT4.

Those fat delicious childrens

Riiiiiiiight.......And they don't use sacrificed children in McDonald's meat....wait what?

The Ten Commandments is the only Ten Commandments period.....How dare YOUUUUUU!


BURN! hahahahaha


You don't tell me what I can and cannot do......

Dumb whore of a mother is retarded and should not be allowed to have children because for the sake of redundancy, she is a dumb whore of a mother.....

I didn't say stop......

That is quite funny. Please continue :D

You guys would become bajillionaires!

Maybe they really aren't building nukes, and our country just wants to bend them over and ease the green weenie in? False flag attacks anyone?

Must be related.