
After being waterboarded, driving a Versa might almost seem tolerable by comparison. Almost.

No, it doesn’t.  All you have to do is repeal the laws that prohibit direct sales, and not pass any to prohibit dealerships.  Boom, you can now have both, if the market will support both.  If not enough people want to buy from independent dealers to sustain them, then they should go out of business.

So waterboarding me until I bought a Versa isn’t all that common ??

Allowing direct sales doesn’t imply banning independent dealerships.

Also watch out for a dead hooker in the trunk because they will always try to act like they had no idea it was there, or even worse - try to claim it’s your dead hooker. It’s all just a scam to get you to pay extra for dead hooker disposal when all they do is go put it in a different trunk.

How do you know if a used car dealer is lying to you? If their mouth is open.

Man, if only you could buy a car directly from a manufacturer. Nah, that would never work, dealers clearly provide far too much value to the whole purchasing process.

It’s an Oregon law. Basically it boils down to a couple of things -

It depends. You can sleep, shit, and shoot up in broad daylight anywhere you want, but god help you if you try to touch a gas pump.

Nothing. I’d just sit around until the golden parachute kicks in and then bail. For goodness sake, how many final last chances does Harley get? Just let them, and their whole poisonous cult, die.

The J10 is The One. I love that truck. True perfection—bench seat, four-on-the-floor, long bed, regular cab, inline six, 4x4 (solid front axle). Hell, I don’t even hunt, but I love the gun rack.

(And yes, you’re absolutely right. I’m penny wise, pound foolish).

Put it to you this way: I’m not taking it off.

Is the bed cover there for structural integrity? 

It is literally Trumps fault because he slapped a bunch of tariffs around the world and they retaliated by hitting Harley with tariffs. 

The funny part about conservatives trying to be funny is that they keep trying.

That’s dumb.

if a car makes it easier for people to take their attention off the road, they’re going to do so — with potentially deadly consequences

Knobs forever! The fact that we’re replacing tactile features for something you can only control by looking at it while you click is not only annoying and unsafe, but completely unsatisfying. If I wanted to play on my tablet I would have stayed on the couch!

Mk 7.5 manual owner here. Yes on the power. Yes on the plaid. Yes on the manual. NOOOOOO on everything else! Especially touchpad screens instead of knobs and dials. GAH!