
Make a donation in HIS name.

We should all do this. He doesn’t need to know if you can only afford to give $5; he can just fucking drown in a pile of “a donation has been made in your name” notes.

I’d like to make donations to those funds in his honor. I’ll send him a nice card thanking him for the inspiration to do so. Jerk

In fairness, one could have “high standards” that are nonsensical, or inconsistently applied

“I don’t remember either of these events...”


And any lawsuits against them should be paid out of police union and pension funds, not the city or state.

This guy watched seven seasons of The Shield, didn’t understand what it was about, and decided to join the police force.

What needs to happen is, give him the maximum penalties for what he was charged with, and then double it. Cops should face double the punishment that a civilian does, because it’s their job to uphold the law, and they should know better.

In fairness, Davis might be one of those “bad apples” that (despite a long string of previous infractions) was totally unpredictable and (despite all the assistance and cover he received from his colleagues) is totally aberrant and (despite many officers with similar cases) is not at all reflective of the force.

don’t worry, i’m sure the police union has his back.

You dress for the profession you work in.

So this guy could get out and shoot people instead of just hitting their cars with a pipe? men shaking their balls in front of children?

This does not happen. You live in an insane world of fear and delusion. Your twisted world view defies logic.

You are a dipshit.

I mean he also wanted to kill the Jews and upitty serfs.

Don’t kink shame!!!

I’d be more worried about him having a bunch of illegitimate kids than having no kids.”

Lol, do you think buying drugs is disqualifying? I have some information about a couple of our recent presidents…