Yeah, no normal person should want to use Mango Mussolini as a measuring stick.
Yeah, no normal person should want to use Mango Mussolini as a measuring stick.
You are losing the argument when the response is “Well Trump did it”. Now Trump is the standard for analyzing a free press?
“...we followed this guys lead and never questioned it...”
Thinking of how well she fits into the old joke:
“Jared Williams, the current district attorney, dropped the charges against Franklin as he didn’t feel they had a strong enough case against him.”
This is some Night of the Long Knives shit and I am here for it.
The vote was voice-only, so there’s no official “count” and no names attached to their vote.
I see a flaw in your logic.
There aren’t more angry, violent cops not than there were ten or twenty or fifty years ago. The only difference is that today everyone has a video camera and everyone has access to a national audience.
Did the white students even request this fuckery? If I was attending that school this “circle of support” could support my foot up its ass.
A lot of white people are racist
Cue the forthcoming stories about how not being able to brutalize protesters has crushed police morale, and now they’re all retiring. This ruling is great, but until there are real consequences for the officers and the department, it’s not going to be enough.
The only time I have seen that sentence used before is in a story about a carjacking.
“I have Black friends” ... is that to be interpreted as “I’m around Black neighbors or workmates that restrain themselves from rolling their eyes at my idiocy”?
We need to see more of this. “Just because you think you got away with it don’t mean we ain’t gonna get yo arse.”
Everybody knows Nathan Dahm only got elected because he lets pigs fuck him up the ass!
Or him, for that matter!
“You can’t use a paper straw for a milkshake but maybe my mother could because of her vast experience.”
Well then. It must be even funnier when someone makes that same joke about his mother.