
Time to raise the standards a little for school cops. Or raise them a lot...

You can get a job here reading comics?

No lube? That’s a bit harsh.

1. He’s holding the sword wrong.

We sent him to live on a farm, where he can run and play all day long.”

Haha, I just got that.

I Agree Tyson can be a dick, but why the cheap shot at people who fucking love science? Science is a good thing.


“Why didn’t she just comply?” :)

I think “pathological liar” is a better term.

Well, maybe somebody at least gets horribly mutilated.

It’s my first choice when shopping for flavored seltzer. People should find something more controversial to hate on.

You shouldn’t make fun of Trump’s incredibly tiny penis.

Garfield was actually funny when he first came out.

Some criminals are a bit dysfunctional.

“A little prick can be annoying.”

Don’t overlook exploitable vices.

It’s just a flavored seltzer, for chrissake. No need to be hating on it. It’s at least as good as Polar, which is pretty darn good.

Anyone else wondering if the cops lied about receiving an anonymous tip?

“They have weapons.”