
In this case, it’s only one thing (the second thing).

Something something WAKE UP SHEEPLE!

Has Howard Johnson weighed in on this yet?

Keep this up, and he’ll be running with scissors one day. SCISSORS!!!

Roy Cohn?

“You’re killing me, Smalls.”

Todully, fersher.

“Animals could be bred, und SLAUGHTERED....”

I hear there’s a sequel in the works, “Mother Mother.”

That statement carried some heavy weight.

I don’t know. How about Brock Samson?

Well, he did kill a shitload of vampires in some vampire movie from the 80's.

“Fuck ‘em all, and keep your powder dry!”

I wondered the same thing about my old cable box when I got a new one. The cable company didn’t want it.

You turned to the Dark Side for the free cookies, didn’t you.

Stupid smartphones.

Schindler missed?

“Swell,” hehe...

Bullying is also a kink for some folks.

So, Ted Cruz pulled out of Twitter?