
Its really hard for people with mental imbalances and below-average emotional intelligence to understand that people are not all evil and not all good. Jordan Sargent, we are all rooting for you in your continued fight against your obviously severe mental handicap.

GW Bush did do some commendable things as President, including, for example, pressing to funds to help fight AIDS in Africa. And one of those commendable things he did was to sign legislation instructing the Smithsonian to start planning for this museum, and saying he believed it should be built on the national Mall.

If that model says the race is a dead heat ... why does he need pundit-y campaign narrative reasons to explain it?

Yup. This September would be much more dramatic watching teams with a 6+ game division lead coast to the playoffs.

Jezebel definition of “Trolls”: Anyone who disagrees.

Open carry means you can have a holstered gun in full view. You cannot walk around with it in your hand. That’s imminent threat. And you certainly cannot ignore police when they tell you to drop it.

Because the media in this country is not interested in reporting the truth. They are only interested in pitting black people against white people and for the benefit of financial gain. Never mind that 99% of all police shootings in this country are justified, no we have to focus on the 1% that go wrong. Even if every

It seems perverse to me that you are openly rooting for the police to have murdered an innocent man rather than have engaged in the justified use of force.

how many of these assholes know the cop that pulled the trigger is black? how many times is that mentioned?

“Because Cleveland didn’t play flawlessly, they can’t blame the refs”

I disagree. Mainly because we live in shades of grey and not black and white. Our political climate makes it seem like you are a quiverfull confederate flag waving whack job or a social justice warrior politically correct pussy, on any given issue. Generally the truth is somewhere in the middle. The muddy waters you

Because there is such an interest in women’s soccer. Am I right? Is that why they should be paid fairly?

Linking arms is meaningless but kneeling is deeply meaningful?

This is an excised quotation on a blog about an op-ed about a dean’s comments about what a boy might have been thinking in reaction to a girl’s statement as later described in a 93-page report that’s missing more than 92 of its pages.

Yeah, i don’t get it. I’ve been watching for all 20 (!) years and what they’ve done in that time is amazing. So many beautiful stadiums devoted to soccer, youth academies that are actually starting to produce results, TIFO, and across a lot of places real atmosphere. Is it Real v. Barca? No, hell no, but then you’re

Terrible Writer Continues Writing Terribly

When’s the last time you watched an MLS game?

How the fuck do you still have a job?

Yeah I mean he’s objectively the best US field player ever and probably best player ever but other than that pretty average yeah

Well, looks like it’s time to reset the “Days Since We Shit on the MLS” incident counter.