@Chrinkster: When he DOES get sentenced i mean
@Chrinkster: When he DOES get sentenced i mean
They gnna let him play videos in jail so he can kill someone else like that woman in the earlier article?
Ill still end up buying half of them though....
Rehash....Remake.....Remake....Remake....Re-Release.....Ok they just plain old copied that game again.
Play a budget wii title (normal cables) and it will probably look like tetris....play tetris on that and.......pixelated tetris, which makes no sense whatsoever......
Nope still cant play it, guess ill stick to minesweeper and solitaire.
Lol i just bought this an hour ago....i love puzzle quest.
Hope it wasn't Kidz Basketball on wii the child was playing with or he deserves death.....of WoW account of course.
SOis this like a sackboy cameo of a cosplay cameo....no wait i dont understand myself no more..
When i first looked at the pic, i thought it was guild wars 2 lol.
Now...Witch console to get it on.....
Monkey fighting a shark badky rendered, could be Africa on wii...
Christmas is coming.......
This will sell millions.This will sell like...well a standard ds lite package i suppose.
Maybe RE again, i dunno lol
How many different variations of 'CNN' will people make?
I dont think they took gamers into consideration, they were to busy playing their gamecubes when the survey was taking place.
Dam i forgot this isnt a review of the wii version...too good to be true
Why is his face so hard, emotionless and unable to move? Is it a mask he's wearing or somethin?
And does this mean that it isnt literally final fantasy?