
Because cybersecurity - and laws that stem from those efforts that affect technology, like SOPA and PIPA - aren’t tech news? Please. If you want to read tech reviews, CNET is over there waiting for you like a melted vanilla ice cream.

This is how America has always been for people of color. I think a lot of others are just starting to get clued in.

I’ll take mine bagged, rimmed and curtained.


Ahem, Kompressor

This comment is bad.

The four door Mini Cooper is the saddest to me. Of all the awkward derivatives BMW created to justify a full brand and dealer network, this is the worst. It’s bigger than a car called Mini should be. It’s got proportions of the 2 door hatchback with extra doors tacked on. It looks like a bad Chinese knockoff of

Damnit. Who brought their Note 7 on the flight?

That’s the only charge? Must be nice to be a White Girl™

It’s not doctor-y because it’s not German

Yeah cause they look exactly the same, ...said no one.

Anyone that can see, even if just only a little bit.

Nintendo’s industrial design is just phenomenal. Who else would even conceive of a configuration like this? I’m seriously impressed.

That I agree with.

You’re joking, right? He literally asked for all of this.

I guess I’m an ass, but I don’t have a lot of sympathy for this kind of attention-seeking. He’s courting. He claims to be undecided, then he claims to be “more” undecided. He’s not politically moderate in any thoughtful or rational way. He just wants people to look at him. He offers autographs while wearing a shirt

If you choose to do an AMA, you are asking for it. You’re making the choice to put yourself out there.

rear end good

More importantly, where the fuck can a guy stream King of the Hill?