
How did you find your midwife? I know they tend to be nurse practitioners and therefore have alot of the privileges that doctors do but I didn't know they took on women who were not pregnant. I'm kind of frustrated with my current doctor. I complained of heavy periods a couple of years ago and she said it was normal

I hear you Neko but your fighting a losing battle. I am 43 and when I went in for a routine physical the nurse asked if I had ever had children. When I said no she asked again. When I said no I have not had children she sighed and shook her head. Since she is my doctor's regular nurse, I have seen this doctor since

Not as beautiful in my eye, but Katie Holmes kind of reminds of Carole Bouquet from the 1990's Chanel No5 commercials in those picts.

That's funny because I got mine out of the trash too. My Dad thought his was ruined because there was a little rust in it and I told him you can easily salvage it with a little salt, a scouring pad and elbow grease and then re-season it. That was 10 years ago.

Yeah and Jay-Z has that smile you give when taking pictures with business partners/co-workers not family or friends.

And my doctor doesn't understand why i would rather lose weight and excercise instead of taking blood pressure medication for mild hypertension.

My high school anatomy teacher would have former students come by all the time and hang out in her class. This was 1986/87 so we didn't have cell phones but I can see them texting her if they could. They usually were whining because they couldn't understand how they were struggling to make B's in college when they

Thanks, I had no idea there was a sequal. I'll look for it.

She's not a princess but there was a video game using Alice in Wonderland where she is in an asylum and Wonderland is a horrific place, her psyche, that you must get through. It was actually pretty good.

I can't find fault in kids who get really excited about receiving various types of tech. I remember when my Dad took my brother and me to get our (my Dad's) first pc in the early 80's and just being completely amazed at everything in the store. To settle us down the salesperson sat us down at one of the computers and

I don't know about Mardel, have never heard of them , but Hobby Lobby is vocal about being a Christian company even though they are just a craft store. If you go up to the door on Sundays to see why they are closed, they post a sign saying that they are closed to let their employees spend time with their families in

For clarification, aren't most insecticides/fungicides petroleum based? So if she wanted to get rid of that wouldn't she need to use a soap to wash it off ? Bleach would only kill microorganisms.

I went to Kirby Junior High in Kirby, Texas and graduated from Judson High School in Coverse in 1987. From junior high (grades 7-9) on up you could wear at least a ribbon on game day and unless you were a cheerleader/dance team member (we had two) you wore an extravagant mum on special games or for homecoming. I

I work in a lab and I've been to several conferences where either someone from SixSigma discusses their system or someone who has used it talks about how great it is and how it helped their lab streamline and get through backlogs. The only thing I get out it is if you need to pay a consultant thousands of dollars to

Bob's Burgers does a wonderful homage to My Neighbor Totoro for their Thanksgiving epsisode. If you haven't seen it yet, it's on Hulu.

I live in Texas, so I have to listen to country music sometimes. I have always find it funny how republicans call liberals elitist. If you listen to the lyrics of some country music songs they are some of the most elitist and divisive words I've ever heard. Literally "I'm better/happier/ more morally upright/love

I don't know if this is completely true but I've heard that they really aren't deals. For example, there is shot of a woman that had a box labelled KitchenAid. She might have gotten it for 20 bucks but it was something made by KitchenAid to be sold for 20 bucks definitely not a $200 mixer for only $20. Does anybody

I think that picture of the kronosaurus was in my brother's book on dinosaurs he had as a kid 35 years ago minus the bible bullshit, because it was actually science book for kids.

This just makes me appreciate my copy of "I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence" cookbook by Amy Sedaris all the more.

I live in central Texas and I see this brand everywhere especially convenience stores, but thought it was just a cheap knockoff of Hostess. Are they really good/ better then Hostess?