
Oh God, you so need to pitch this to SyFy!

I would like to know what he means by shut that whole thing down. If he believes that life begins at conception, would he then force women to get medical treatment to prevent a miscarriage? Unless he believes a women's body can somehow predict when she is going to be raped and stop ovulation.

Ummm okay, don't Canadians have to deal with the hordes of old people that go over there to get cheaper meds?

Do you know why your periods are so heavy? For two days during my period I bled so much I had to change my ultra tampon every 45-60 mins and I was extremely anemic. I found out that I have fibroids that make my uterus the size of one that is 14-18mos pregnant. I was put on lysteda, I don't use hormonal birth control,

God, looking at Emily Mortimers shoes makes me so glad that I am afraid to wear heels like that. As a little girl I wore my sister's high heels on the playground and sprained and bruised my ankle so haven't worn anything higher then an inch and a half, thick heels since. But man if I could I shudder to think how much

Thank you for reminding me of what I have to look forward to this summer in central Texas. Yeah!

This is so funny. I was a juror yesterday in traffic court and the defendent kept mentioning that he was on his way to church with his parents when he was busted for speeding. Because you know Christians don't break the law.

Did Tom or Giselle graduate from Harvard or MIT or Oxford or something? Why is it that when pretty jocks/models/actors breed we say that their children will be "superbabies". Cindy Crawford was apparently smart and so far her eldest just wants to be another model.

This video, the baby seal and the kid coming off anesthesia all in one morning. I hope this means the rest of the week will go well.

Not to beat a dead horse, but even though I call them my hippy grocery store, I have alot of respect for Wheatsville Food Co-op and I figured they wouldn't have let them on their property to ask for money without knowing about them. Or I'm just trying to persuade myself that I did not let myself get duped.

Yeah, I don't get the hate that I sometimes see about her. She along with Geena Davis are one of the few model/actresses where I don't just roll my eyes.

I just looked at the back of the receipt and it is through Grassroots Campaigns. I was slightly suspicious so I only made a one time donation instead of the monthly deduction plan. Good to know though and I will go directly to Planned Parenthood for more donations in the future. Do you know by any chance how much will

The other day I went shopping at my local hippy grocery store and there two ladies with clipboards so I did the "avoid eye contact" thing and hurried in. When I left they were still there and one was standing right next to were you put the grocery carts so again I tried to avoid eye contact while I was putting mine

I hope you appreciate her. Where I work, in Texas, the women are so boring and straight-laced. Also they are all under the age of 30, I'm 40, and I'm always thinking you girls are way to young to be so boring.

In Texas the ticket clearly states, right above where you are supposed to sign it, that signing is not an admission of guilt. Are tickets in Washington not similar? Just curious.

I'm a "Gen-Xer" and when I was in my twenties, I remember thinking that when I reached my forties it wouldn't be a big deal because by then we would have moved on and people would have learned to just live and enjoy life. How naive. Sigh:(

Yeah, I had to re-read that line several times to make sure my brain was working and I still think I'm reading it wrong.

I was going to say they could kill 2 birds with one stone and have another women and another black person. She is probably too old, but Angela Bassett needs to play a superhero and it would make-up for her not being cast as Storm.

Yeah, and that combination would have produced some gorgeous babies.

She used to be funny, especially when she was on Johnny Carson. A long, long time ago. I think people might be trying to remember her from then.