
Murtagh is alive and well and back next week or there will be HELL TO PAY.

Maybe he promised Cersei that if she gave them armies they’d make her incest baby the heir.

I think he just knows it will complicate things, no matter what ends up happening. What happens to the alliance if they have a falling-out? What happens if Jon tries to assert himself more as a king once they’re together? In some ways, this is Tyrion’s wheelhouse: mapping out how various relationships will affect the

That seems reasonable, after all his talk of succession. He promises Circe that her child will be spared or even brought up to rule by the dragon queen? I don’t know if I see Circe going for that though. She wants her Lannister dynasty, not to add to Dany’s broken wheel utopia.

Don’t forget the “I’ll make you a baby” talk in the dragonpit. I mean the “maybe the witch was lying to you about being infertile” talk. What was THAT about?.

I got the impression it was about being a bad idea; if they wanted a sack sack moping they would have gotten Jorah. “This is not gonna end well” was the vibe I was getting.

My hubs things Tyrion sold them out since Tyrion has said since season 1 that he always places his family first. I was just thinking that he wanted to get with either Jon or Dany.

I wonder if we’re supposed to think that Tyrion loves Daenerys or something? But given the general lack of subtlety this season, if the writers had wanted us to believe that, then they would probably have spelled it out.

It was a long, boring trip. Tyrion was just headed to hang out with Jon and Dany, maybe play a drinking game, and he finds them unexpectly having sex without even telling him they were into each other. It’s awkward.

I guess it depends where she is. She could be held anywhere, with the fleet, still in King’s Landing, or back in the Iron Islands.

The Others decide the South does indeed smell like pigshit, decide it’s not worth it and walk back North. THE END.

He’s concerned because he knows that the best hope for the future of Westeros is for Jon and Dany to do the wincest and have a child that neither of them will live to see rule the new and improved Seven Kingdoms. His biggest worry is that it all didn’t go exactly as he had planned, leaving him feeling conflicted about

I agree it would have made some sense if he was aware of the incest. As it was, Tyrion was creeping, and a Dany/Jon sex scene is not a scene where his point of view is needed!

I’m also very curious about this. I’m really not sure what to make of Tyrion’s reaction. My initial thought was jealousy, but they’ve not really done anything to sell us on that. And he may think it’s a bad idea, but his lingering reaction seemed stronger than that.

I guess, technically, it would be her child and niece/nephew.

Cersei’s child wouldn’t also be her brother; it would have to be fathered by Cersei’s father for that to be the case, so it would only be her son.

She’ll most likely have a miscarriage though.

Okay while the sex scene had that “the journey is long we might as well fuck away this sexual tension (?) away” that made it less cringey, they skirted the fuck away from the issue he’s banging his aunt.

“Hello, I’m Rhaegar and this is my son Aegon and my other son Aegon.”