
I'm okay with Ghost MIA, because I'm not okay with him being killed or turned into a zombie dire wolf. No thanks! I miss him, but he and his budget are only allowed to pop up on screen when he stays alive. Like alive alive, not with blue eyes.

Amazon Prime?

'No CGI dragons were hurt during the making of this show.'

No, I don't want them to eat their mother! I meant Cersei! IF she (Cersei) kills a dragon, another dragon should eat her. At least that's my revenge fantasy… ;-)

Ghost's CGI budget is hiding somewhere in Winterfell atm!

Yeah, I'm quite sure (afraid) that one dragon will be killed or badly injured since ep. 1 - I hope not, I'm NOT ready for it. I would only be okay with it if one of the others would eat her after doing such a thing. Not even grill her, just eat her. I've given this a lot of thought…
Well, still two episodes to go IF it

I think Ser Jorah might be a goner. He had this look about him when he saw Jon and Dany together. And they made it a point to show him turning around to look back at Dany (very poignantly) while he was helping to push the rowboat into sea. I also think he knows she doesn't really need him anymore, even if Tyrion said

And they made it a POINT for him (no one else did) to look back at Dany - very poignantly - as he was helping to push the rowboat into the sea.

I mean, Bronn is VERY motivated to get his castle AND his gold, he's Aquaman if that's needed to make that happen. And he kind of likes Jaime too…. ;-)

Sam was like 'Bla bla bla - 5132 bowel movements - oh, steps…yeah, whatever.' He was so done with Maesters!

I feel a bit sorry for Sansa, Brann and Arya are not showing her much empathy - I mean, she lived through Joffrey AND Ramsay. And all she had was Littlefinger to fall back on. Girl's not perfect, but come on.

She has dragons though…That's all that need's to be said! ;-)

That entire last scene was shot to resemble an epic Western, music and all! Glad those horses all have the CGI treatment nowadays. Lots of horses suffered for real back in the day! But still, yikes…

I told a friend the exact same thing after watching it!

What good does all that winning do if she doesn't believe in White Walkers and The Army of The Dead? She's focused on revenge and power, while Jon and hopefully Dany (soon enough) are aware of The Great Danger. I wish her lots of luck. (Not really - I hope a dragon roasts her!)

Oh wow, thanks for your answer. Knowing that, it makes the scene even more poignant for me!

Also, I just rewatched the scene and Arya whispers at the end 'That's not you.' I take it she meant being in captivity was not what being a dire wolf is about. They are not meant to have owners. Or was it not her actual wolf… The Faceless Men thing doesn't work with wolves I take it?

Ah thanks! I remember now! So it's been quite a while. RIP Lady…we hardly knew ya.

When and where did Arya 'lose' her dire wolf again? I don't blame it for not joining her again, you're not particularly safe with the Starks when you're a dire wolf. It was like, 'Erm, yeah, no thanks, I'll take my chances with those White Walkers. You're a good kid though, we won't eat you and your horse. Bye girl,

No more Outlander recaps next season? That's just sad —- maybe we should time travel then as well. See you back in some time. :-(