I think companies really need to get out of the habit on firing people because the internet demands a sacrifice. It only encourages people to continue using toxic behaviors to push their agendas.
I think companies really need to get out of the habit on firing people because the internet demands a sacrifice. It only encourages people to continue using toxic behaviors to push their agendas.
Why not Chocolate Rain and Vanilla Snow?
If they don’t pair up and name themselves White Lightning and Chocolate Thunder, I want no part of this.
Now if only this game could get some better dick physics
Indie/smaller developers need to stop coding shit that actually seems good. I was happy getting my AAA releases and planning my money accordingly, knowing everything else would be overpriced or shitty. I got blindsided already twice this last month (By Stardew Valley and that DOTT remake), and I can’t afford getting…
Wow, please wake up. The internet and social media are single-handedly ruining the world.
people being disappointed or upset with a TRAILER is as crazy as a count down on a website for a teaser trailer. It’s clear now to me why Donald Trump is a possible front runner for president.
Yeah I dunno why Kate McKinnon does it for me, but she really does.
yeah we get it, they’ve shit on your childhood, feminazis...blah blah blah
As a black kid first getting into comics in the 90s, I had a pretty shitty opinion of Luke Cage. I found him embarrassing as one white writer after another just used him as the avatar of whatever they thought black culture was supposed to be. His dialog was laughable. His look was just gross. And while other heroes…
Nowhere near anyone who buys this.
I was watching Brave and the Bold last night. Honestly I think it’s probably in the top 3 or so of DC adaptations to tv. So I urge everyone to be open minded about the new show. Honestly they need to let a show run and quit killing stuff off so quickly. Like the CGI Batman show, I think that could of done some…
As much as I love hearing how Mark Hamill is doing more Joker roles, I can’t help but wonder one thing. Why did he retire from the Joker, if he’s going to keep being the Joker??
I finally got around to playing Brutal Legend during the Steam Winter Sale (just before it, actually; one of the few times I’ve purchased a game and then watched it go on 90% sale 48 hours later—DERP).
That game is a love poem to my high school years; it’s like someone brought the soundtrack of my adolescence to life,…
Marvel’s been a “sell-out” since around the time I was born, when they were adding H.E.R.B.I.E. to the FF comic after he was in the cartoon, and making Dazzler as a tie-in with a disco record producer. So unless you stopped reading Marvel books in the late 70's, I’m not sure what kind of authentic, independent Marvel…
The term "sell-out" is meaningless. Any art made for profit is a sell-out. Every artist you've ever heard of is a sell-out. If they weren't, you wouldn't have heard of them.