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Those toasters are quite deadly though...

kind of bothers me. I don't really know why.

I always use the nude mods. Not because I'm a perv, but because the mosaic, while funny the first few times, kind of bothers me. I don't really know why. One of the greatest things about The Sims is the modding community though!

Update: Mike Tyson Elected Mayor of Toronto

haha. fixed, thanks.

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Somehow, the more sympathetic version is actually more depressing


More likely a "cease and desist" order lol.

The only blue "food" worth having

Hitting that gym WAY too hard or they're juicing.

See it was 2 that did it to me,,DAT EYE LASER!

these kids dont even know that movie exists.

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video fail for not using Danger Zone as the background music.

Careful they'll hear you.

Depending on who you ask some will tell you this is just Dynasty Warriors with Zelda characters, and not a Zelda game.

Why spotlight terrible artwork?

Anything to add ammo to the anti-men movement, eh?

How are these any different than normal?

TRUE STORY: My roommate got the arcade game off some dude for real cheap, and having one in your house that you can play at any moment is one of life's greater treasures.