
Yeah, you could throw cats at your ex-loved one! They have claws, after all - AoE damage!

Uttering the Statement "Michael Bay has done so much for the Transformers franchise" is like saying "Adolf Hitler has done so much for German Tourism". While technically he has done at lot, it isn't something we should celebrate. ;-)

Using Michael bay models on a transformers anniversary is lame...

Ashcraft playing it cool and acting natural like usual

I'm assuming Goldberg is in this game.

There is no Wadaisy

"You get BEHIND me you name-stealing, foul-smelling curly-shoed giant bastard... Oh and if I get a red shell I'm firing it backwards. At you."

How do you not care which Supernatural character you are?

Oh, *that's* what you mean by "swinging"

Don't forget a former WWE Superstar.

Now, now, no need for name calling. The owners of the WiiU would like to think it's a perfectly legit and competent next gen console.


All coins have two sides. My work here is done.

Someone has to make the joke about the truth.

This was cute until she kept running around, annoying everyone for another 20 minutes.

Rated R for really kid friendly!

This thing quickly made me realize that Robocop wasn't a kid friendly flick.

Please tell me there's a bumpy road and ragdoll physics so they can recreate this