
yeah... Maybe we'll get some more crossover characters anyway. We got Freddy last time, maybe Jason or Pinhead?

I honestly don't know why I keep buying these games, the assassination aspect is about on par with GTA meaning its a broad daylight murder simulator rather than a real strategic death dealer. The hitman games did assassination better than this franchise.

hahaha beat me to it

Just made my decision to which console I'm getting first.

That drinking from the heart should have this as an alternate skin.

I just want to play this with the theme from Jackass on repeat

And they'll continue to not know... And knowing is half the battle.

Its alienating people right now by only showing the new stuff. Hasbro had great success already hence why it got a movie. This is the 30th anniversary show, it should be showcasing all of the generations.

New game idea right there!

It seems like the only statues are the michael bay variations. This franchise didn't just appear 6-7 years ago, to the hardcore fans out there some G1 representation would be nice in giant statue form.

I can't listen to anything hip hop and see the words "who's next" without hearing it in that Epic Rap Battle voice.

Oh what a comeback. I hope homeland security shows up to your garden.

I was gonna feel bad if I said it.

Because children don't have the capacity to be annoying right? Now if you;ll excuse me I'm off to listen to my niece sing another song from Frozen for the next 4 hours.

Fucking Jezebel.

I named mine in honor of his great role in Idiocracy

Awesome! I named my character Triple H when this game came out haha

I can't get over gawkers "Thatz not okay" articles. Please tell someone over there that it looks like a 16 year old giving life advice with that title.

Now playing

I would only live in Fartbarfs synthesizers

Thought this was in Long Beach, CA until I saw new york post. Specify these things!! I got all excited.