
Get even

Dude, whats with the Z rating? I'm speaking in general about in game ratings in Japanese games like Devil May Cry. When you do so good you get a Z instead of an A.

He looks like Santa with a rug on.

This is why most cartoons have 4 fingers, it looks so weird.

I'm still laughing my ass off!

Missing the point completely

Not lazy enough to spell correctly.

Usually people that say good movies are "eh" spend most of the movie on their phones or some other distracting device.

If you're pissed about this, kill yourself.

I was wondering where the hell it was too! That picture is super misleading!

A ghostbusters joke just went straight over your head.

People calling Link Zelda is second only to grandparents calling every system Nintendo

I love that game and every weapon in it.

You could always insert fake dicks in both hands

Go to a site about servers or bartenders and see the sea of "get a real job" comments. Because apparently our money doesn't pay real bills.

Every time I had to describe Mark of the Ninja I would tell my friends that it was like castlevania with Batman. Such a great game.

If the law is on the customers side then too bad for the retailers.

Cue the non GTA fans jacking off about how Last of Us should have won. Please go hide behind a wall and throw another bottle.

Its funny because its still Trey and Matt