
Hes Billy bob thorton/Hunter/Tyler Durden/Johnny Knoxville in one character

Back in 1996 I got David Justice's Jersey from the MTV Rock N Jock game. I think I was 15-16 and he climbed a fence to give it to me and when others tried to take it he yelled get the fuck back! and told me to run.

Just another reason for me to hate Wendy Williams. An idiot that preaches idiocy. I hope you find your son in the Vanilla Unicorn getting a double lapdance playing "don't let the bouncer see you touch the girls"

I've got that...


"quit your whine". I can bet your "real job" isn't very mentally demanding.

I almost put was... I just like to keep the memory of her pre Steven Segal days.

Nothing beats the original Kelly Lebrock... God I still watch that movie just to see how hot she is.

They're gonna crank out more DLC, you won't see GTA 5 on next gen. GTA 6 on the other hand....

He's the guy that spells wise with a z to give himself street cred

Because his job doesn't pay real bills right?

I have the red Resident Evil 5 console and this game crashed like 3 times on me. Other than that I've never had a problem with my console.

Its a really expensive gamestop

I just discussed with a friend that EA had soooo many good games back in the 90s that are just ripe for remaking or at least re-releasing as arcade titles. General Chaos, Road Rash, skitchen, The strike series(mercenaries doesn't really count for me) and all they've been doing is Madden/BF/Need for speed.


I've always been a fan of the buy/rent/pass system. Yes and No is good too.

How close does Los Santos feel to LA?

Fred Armisen