
I will take literally any excuse to use this gif.

I lost my virginity to a Sigma Chi

This could not be more opposite of save bread.

I went looking for a dust gif to make a joke about how old I am and instead came across this gem:

I don’t understand why you’re arguing with me...You made comments about how she’s a millionaire who’s never been denied anything...and I asked if the first part was true, and said the second part wasn’t. Conversations on the internet are a thing, someone pointing out facts isn’t an attack.

No. She can go fuck right off the edge of the earth. I would rather be locked in a hotel room in Arkansas with a high on speed Kanye West, proselytizing his own greatness for 48 hours than spend 5 minutes with Banks.

Anyone who thinks the excuse ‘but I know gay people’ justifies being a homophobic shitbucket is someone that probably needs a good kick down a long flight of stairs.

Once? More like once a day.

Is that seriously the way her book was written? Because just reading that little bit gave me a headache.

I’m going to go on the unhinged side, ‘cause she recently got into a feud with someone on twitter and called them ‘pure nigger,’ so she’s got all sortsa issues.

I think she's awful.

Do we think Azealia Banks is funny or entertaining, because to me she comes off as insufferable, bordering on unhinged. She's like a god-damned time bomb, but not in a fun, Kanye West kind of way.

You have got to be kidding me. A black woman winning an Oscar makes you cry? You must be a bucket of tears about every other week then. This has to be one of the most insignificant “honors” a black woman has received. Calm down.

No it wasn’t. Ms. Davis is an excellent actress, and a deserving nominee, but Tatiana Maslany IS doing the best acting work of any female on television. We care too much about tweetable moments and not enough about the craft itself.

....and Tatiana Maslany has been cheated out of an Emmy once again, just because there had to be a ‘For the first time in Emmy history’ moment again!

I felt the same way and actually didn’t watch the show when it was first released for that reason. Then I read an interview with the creator who said that Tambor got the part because he reminded her of her dad (I’m assuming this is the parent who later became Moppa) and that made me feel better about it. Then watching

Her tweet seems shady to me in a way I can’t quite put my finger on.

Bethany Frankel has such weird body issues. She would never want bigger boobs. She wants to be a teeny tiny toddler.