
Actually cisgender, heterosexual people pushing LGBTQ out of their very few spaces does affect LGBTQ people. Talking over minority voices affects minorities. And accusing LGBTQ people of intolerance and oppression (equal to the kind they have received for thousands of years) because they don’t want to include sexually

Because their newfound identity hinges on “otherness” and they think that equates them to LGBTQ people. Most LGBTQ people don’t even know what demisexuals are, but if they do, they don’t tend to take interest in the subgenres of cis het sexuality.

I read those articles and I have no wish to make you feel bad or invalidated. But not everything needs a label. Not being attracted to most people based solely on physical beauty is not, in my opinion, a particularly unusual or distinct trait and bears zero resemblance with the LGBTQ community.

I’m reminded of an article I wrote on this very subject back when I was a staff writer for AfterEllen (RIP). It’s called “No, Straight People Can’t Be Queer.” In case anyone is interested:

Ace discourse varies, I give it more weight than demis because it’s an actual thing, but if you’re a cis straight person trying to bust into the LGBTQ community I don’t wanna hear you lecture me on what it means to eat shit cause of your sexual orientation.

“Everything isn’t an identity”

Tacky as fuckkk.

As a gay person, I HATE DEMIS. They are the worst. They constantly yell over actually LGBTQ people while almost entirely consisting of cis, straight people.

Linda Perry is such an obnoxious person. I interviewed her on a red carpet at the GLAAD awards a couple years back for a LGBTQ media outlet. We had this exchange:


oh good another erotic, vaguely lesbian thriller written & directed by a man, starring straight actresses.

This is an interesting point, but the original WOC who made it doesn’t seem happy that a white woman took her point, turned it into an article, and was paid for that article instead of the WOC who came up with it in the first place. I get that twitter is great and there are lots of cool ideas there, but I’m seeing

Why the name change from fusion to Splinter?

Straight people will take anything from queer people and reclaim it as their own if they think it’s cool, then admonish us for not being truly inclusive if we disagree.

Wealthy, vaguely attractive celebspawn has become the worst reality genre.

I spy a 10% tipper.

  • Putting your cash tip on the table and visibly docking it every time the server displeases you


Can I just say: as someone living in LA who KNOWS people who worked with Nicki Minaj on her last album, and who have encountered her, and as someone who has been a fan of Nicki’s music since college:

Unpopular gay opinion: watching two straight white guys pretend to pine while slowly withering away is tedious melodrama written for guilty straight people to feel soulful and connected. I get that Brokeback Mountain is pretty and sad, but once you’ve seen a dozen sad, pretty gay movies (not hard as that can sum up