Oh, I know it, and they definitely should be protested. Even the good ones should feel ashamed on behalf of the overall CPD.
As I was heading to the march, I just kept thinking, “Please don’t let this be another Occupy Wall Street situation where there’s no direction and nothing comes of it.” Undoubtedly it will be that way for some, but I hope for the majority that this was a call to action.
I imagine that part of the reason there was heightened police presence and hostility at the BLM march is because they felt they were the ones being protested. That the people marching were hostile toward them. I’m not saying that it had nothing to do with the skin color of the participants, but the police had to have…
No, that’s goosband. Don’t ask me how I know.
When she tries to do improv is the cringeyest part. She doesn’t follow the rules, so I have to think the improv-experienced actors she has on must be annoyed.
Yeah, I just picked one. Brendan seems a smart pick.
Duh. Bobby because he’s the man.
Figured it out. Here are the first two of 10.
If y’all haven’t seen Veep’s Timothy Simon’s Twitter takedown of Meghan McCain criticizing “Hollywood elites” for being out of touch with the small-town American, you are missing out. It is glooooooorious!
Amen. She is the only party who continues to bring it up. How does this benefit the producers unless they had a personal vendetta?
I have this book. I immediately thought of the story where the person thinks their contact lens is in, but they’re actually just pulling at their cornea. Ahhhhhh, god no! No to so many of these stories!
This is the definition of cutting off your nose to spite your face.
I’m with you. I like movies, books, music, and television that make me cry. Bring on the catharsis!
I love The Flash. I do not love multi-episode crossover events that make me watch 3 other shows I don’t normally watch.
So much agree. I watch it solely for Sterling K. Brown’s (Randall) storylines. And maybe a little for the hope that they’ll eventually give Kate an identity outside of her weight. That bullshit excuse that when you’re heavy it consumes your whole life drives me crazy. Guess what? I’m fat and don’t mope about it 24/7.…
This makes me think of this episode of More Perfect (Radiolab’s podcast about the Supreme Court). This woman/non-profit tries to get foreign countries to stop providing lethal injection drugs to states in the US.
I was thinking about that earlier today. On the one hand I don’t want it to happen because it’s the most pure example of his personality but on the other it might eventually make us numb to his ridiculousness. Ugh!
I looked up how old she was once, and I was really shocked she was still in her 20s (at the time). The makeup ages her.
Boys, you probably spent a lot of money on your teeth. It’s okay to display them on occasion.