its funny how liberals say they respect people and their points of views just as long as it doesnt conflict with that liberals believe everyone should believe in.
its funny how liberals say they respect people and their points of views just as long as it doesnt conflict with that liberals believe everyone should believe in.
If she was Muslim, deadspin would not touch this but since she is a christian she is an evil bigot. Deadspin is so backwards on their shitty agendas. She is entitled to her beliefs and because they don’t conform to the creepy ass liberal agenda she is demonized.
transqueer? throw that freak into a looney bin.
thanks for the heads up and decoding everything they say you worthless piece of shit.
why are blacks now all the sudden jumping on the mexicans bangwagon?
so only people who have the same beliefs as liberals are allowed to have a platform?
How is he racist ?
hes tearing illegal spics apart, who cares.
nice play on words dumbass. Im sure as a cracker your so offended when people tell racist jokes and you have never laughed at one.
why are you trying to defend Mexicans, they hate blacks an your black ass
how is this racism? mexicans are not a race or all brown. many are white and most hate blacks.
im all about protesting things worthwhile but for blacks to go ape shit every time that a black gets shot by a white cop and automatically it must be some form of oppression just because they are black. well fuck them
chill chimp
chill chimp.
He looks really dark, isnt he half italian?
who cares, everyone says it.
shocker, a jew who kisses black peoples ass
why its not coonish enough?
white people including me done give a shit about some thug disrespectful punk who questions/resists police demands and gets justly shot over it. WE DONT FUCKING CARE SO GET OVER IT