
Arrivaderla Gigi. I was 16 in 2002 the first time I watched the World Cup at 6am. Buffon was the first player I identified with and made me proud to be Italian.

Mexicans are people of color now? What color is canelo Alvarez ? Irish

Mexicans hate black people

Snoop never had a problem with trump until it became financially lucrative to fit in with the country liberal wack job movement

Wow your tears are funny. Do you also cry when you kill a fly.

Great parenting dipshit. Blowing bullshit into your kids ear that the pledge is just a white supremicist thing now. He’s well on his way to being on the losing end of a retarded battle. Kudos

We’re all told one day we can no longer play the children’s game some of us at 18 some of us at 37 but we’re all told

Well ofcourse a lefty creep would say that. Leftist have adorned themselves as Gods but most likely they are the closeted bigots that they designate all republicans to be.

but than there would be alot of illegal spics left over to do all the raping and murdering.

Greeks are heavy into the white power movement.

what does race have to do with Muslims? Like seriously is everyone a fucking retard. Muslims are not race of people, its a religion. Racist is not the right word

seth myers has to be the least funny late night host on tv. All he does is spew the same shitty liberal garbage night after night to an audience full of crackers who hate that they are crackers and want you to believe they love minorities.

who shitted this boring loser out. thanks we get it everything and everybody whose white is a racist. thank you.

eww got a black liberal creep, very gross.

maybe if a teacher had a gun like Trump wanted they could have blew away that kid.

sounds fake but thats nothing new for Michael Harriot. what a pussy

how many times during Obamas tenure did you or any of the dick head creeps on this site blame obama when a shooting happened. You didnt blame him but ofcourse trump has to be blamed as if its his doing. Your such a fucking pussy dude.

“just remember that every single day, the network’s programming still peddles the same right wing nonsense it’s been blasting into the brains of old white people for decades”

Id Vote for her, putting that creepy tranny thing on blast was perfect. Your a guy use a mens washroom.

black people kill eachother nonstop, they are like animals in chicago