
you still sound shook son

if trump is installing hate by not denouncing the Klan, even tho the KKK didnt start the charlottesville thing that was Nazi’s, Spike is only dividing people more by saying shit about the president. It does nothing good and is useless but I guess if it makes black people happy thats all that matters.

this is pretty lame son, you make black people sound like soft as cake basket cases.

so protesting in front of armed israeli military gunman is the way to go? real bright, no wonder a bunch of em are dead.

ISRAEL: If you cross our border we will shoot and kill you

they dont want islam on there side. Can you blame them?

ya Im sure anyone named Schwartz is really angered by this. who are you kidding.

who the cares, shoot em all.


too fucking bad pendejo, nobody forced you to sneak into the country. addios

And shes right, learn fucking english or get the fuck out.

wow are you seriously this dumb. Shes only talkking about Illegal immigrants which are not immigrants at all, they are just some assholes who snuck into the country.

wow creepy liberals are turning Anti semite, guess that muslim thing is like the new black and no one can say anything bad about.

wow I thought all the creeps on this site and sarah Sarsour said arabs are people of color and not white, this chick looks as snowflake as they come.

good job by the cop, act like a animal get treated like one.

lucky they weren’t in a Muslim country where they would simply just get tossed off a building.

why do you refer to Arabs as “brown” people. that’s pretty fucking racist as well as not true. What about all the Arabs who are white? ever watch an Arab tv show, they all look pretty damn white to me.

Get off Trumps dick cracker

Or he’s being honest but I guess if someone’s honestly does fall in line with your creepy liberal culture than that person is a bigot

It just bothers you that someone says what is painfully obvious. It’s like asking a football player if he thinks a openly gay dude would be welcomed into a locker room, if he says he thinks players would be assholes to him than he becomes a bigot. You would rather he lie an say oh yes players would be so welcoming and