
its a frat they are fratting, this shit happens. who cares. I think blacks like Isha are just sad that white people still say the N word an think its funny.

how is deporting people who are here illegally racist? I know its fun for creepy liberals to spout that garbage but whats racist about it? Last time I check Mexicans are not a race of people also.

so your in favor of also abolishing the immigration process ?

just another unfunny SNL hack

If Trump walked on water and cured cancer today, desdspin headline tomorrow would be “ trump can’t swim and is an asshole for putting doctors out of business with cancer cure”

She’s in a better place now away from a scummy liberal

Fuck pop and his lame ass liberal creep views

Thanks again for your opinion way way way up on your high horse

this shit so weird. blacks live in shit neighborhoods, have no respect for human life, live in squalor. Yet were supposed to believe you have a problem with white people being around. Dont you chimps need white people around to get spare change?

I feel the same way when I see a black in my neighborhood in Chicago, they just don’t belong and I call the cops .

you should eat some bananas in a tree instead.

Dear Black people stop protesting every fucking thing, grow some balls and stop being senstive ass pussies all the time. Oh and protesting is not a job or having 10 kids.

off limits to Italians Mexicans and Puerto Ricans also?

Emma why write all this and cut to the chase. You hate all white people and leave it at that. You probably were the corny white chick in HS who tried way to hard to be liked by black people

Ok Emma Roller you moron. Do you know they difference between an Immigrant in the united states and being an Illegal Immigrant in the United states???

creepy liberals on tv and who write for this website would back up a child molester if they bad mouthed Trump.

who cares, they all have the same lame, lazy, creepy liberal voice and the same equally lame creepy liberal audience members who laugh at the same tired, lame, lazy Trump jokes night after night.

wow Lebron standing proud with a woman who hates blacks more than the Donald. blacks are hella sensitive.

if this was just a sista on sista assualt it wouldnt be on this site.

hmmm looked like another brotha telling the cops they cant touch him and hes got rights and blah blah blah. think twice next time brotha.