
except egyptians are not knee grows. most are white

because they are Caucasian. there are natural blonde or red head Egyptians. they are not Black.

“those who usually check that box, the census gives examples of what one may write, and those actually include those born on the continent of Africa, including “Egyptian,” which is laughable, if not a boost for overall white numbers in the United States.”

whites really cant be racist either, blacks are like the trashy ghetto murdering cousin we all wish we never had.

im sure he was really “dunked” on by that creepy fag Rippon.

hes getting better pussy than you are faggot

nigga nigga nigga nigga who gives a fuck. Ohhhhh my lord the outrage. white people with fake tears all over deadspin

Good one honkey

Fuck these assholes blocking people who spent their money on the game. Nothing noble about them

magic johnsons son is beyond creepy looking. Poor Magic

maybe his next job will be coaching the Jets

staying out of black neighborhoods is a teachable moment.

jesus they are singing a fucking song, chill the fuck out. Are you so offended Emma? how many times do you say nigger when your not writing for this site? probably alot more than you care to admit.

did you cry?

did you cry?

Well in deadspins eyes Bennett is black and kneels like a dickhead so therefore he’s the poor innocent black person

Ya im sure he was such a good boy. How many times was arressted, and what were his previous crimes.

she looks and sounds like a crack head, good riddance.

I think these people would admit and agree with trump they come from shit hole countries. Doesnt mean they are shitty people but they come from a shit hole country.

really do you know all of them?