Trump won becuase everyone who wanted to vote for Hillary was a P.C creepy liberal wack job.
Trump won becuase everyone who wanted to vote for Hillary was a P.C creepy liberal wack job.
this cunt is your hero? she hate blacks more than trump, more than most people hate blacks.
“He took a knee during the anthem in an attempt to bring awareness to the hypocrisy that white America has when it comes to black death”
ya typical loser writer from the Root, cry when someone has a different opinion than yours. Plus Kap was protesting something that isnt real, on top of that not every time a cop kills a black is it racism. maybe just maybe the black gave the cop cause to shoot. But I know in simple minded blacks that cant be true.
america wouldnt be trash even if they did convict his black ass.
brazil is a real shithole where blacks are truly oppressed, maybe African Americans can take fucking notice of this and stop complaining about their fake non existent oppression. give me a fucking break.
shes half italian
hes only 32 lol geez
ricky rubio is the fearless white boy
a waitress afraid that the table might run out so she asks them to pay upfront before hand = racist
keep crying about it cracker
I like how the cracker sitting near the blacks got all “Im white but im going to stand up for black people, even though they dont like”
great job by the idiot white writer of this piece, why would the blacks get so upset, just pay and eat.
its hard to track black gun ownership since they steal guns or buy them illegally to commit the next drive by.
my grandmother gave me a great saying too “Dont trust blacks, they are 2 faced lazy and totally worthless”
still better than Hillary.
so why were they running from ICE than?
why did I read this, I want my 3 minutes of life back.
well ofcourese a wack job from deadspin would write this, “white people speaking foreign languages is so racist”
who gives a fuck if the used waterboarding, they caught bin laden. Jesus cry me a fucking river or some islamic fundamentalists being waterboarded. Albert we get it, your a creepy liberal weirdo.