chill they guy will be back in the country in no time, take a vacation in Jordan and see ya in 3 months, Yella Yella
chill they guy will be back in the country in no time, take a vacation in Jordan and see ya in 3 months, Yella Yella
wow shocker mostly deadbeat racist scumbag congressmen/women. ofcourse they support Kaep when he kneels to “start” a convo about racial injustice, yet refuse to speak to the people who they deem are the problem. Be honest blacks, you want to be in charge and white people to live in sewers. Thank god trump still owns…
ya dickhead sending someone safely back to their home country is alot like sending jews to burning ovens, but nice reach dick wad.
ummm no, dude is a sick fucking wack job, glad hes dead, dont give a shit about his family’s grief. Let him rot in piss.
I miss the days when it was ok to racist, for everyone to be racist, without a bunch of creepy liberals protesting it.
ya he was a joke to you becuase he didnt do the song and dance all you creepy liberals want to here “wah poor black people always mistreated Wahhhh”
omg racist this racist that, fake outrage from stupid boring white liberals whos lives revolve around getting behind minority causes so they can tell everyone how not racist they are. I love trump for the simple fact that he makes these liberal creeps squirm. deport Illegals, who cares, ban muslim countrys who cares,…
omg this is awesome, deport em all and Ill glady drink the liberal creeps tears.
Enis sounds like a foreign guy from family guy “oh man went to discotech last night and so hung out this morning.”
ok trick sounds like your mad becuase someone isnt bashing trump, and that just kills you on the inside, how dare somone not trash trump like you do all the time. Because you are a shitty writer who falls in line with every black dead beat shitty writer who blames everything on trump and white people in general..
who actually watches this shit? its funny? this shit oozes liberal slime, yay for poor black people who cant catch a break, trannys who want to use womens washrooms, illegal immigrants, and of course Muslims who abuse their wives but are Muslims so they are like a minority for some reason.
cockett your a pussy, bow down to your master Trump. bitchhhh
I think you make white people hate black people, even more. fuck you bitch
maybe the store doesnt want the stuff stolen you idiot. great job glorifying another black chump whos trying to get 5min of fame and free money over nothing.
eww another black woman who hates trump and all the retards in the audience applauding her hate for someone who has done nothing wrong to her.
really bizzare that she would be angry becuase Melania is a fan. fake anger fake outrage. fuck liberal creeps
It hurts black peoples feelings so let’s be honest that’s why it makes white liberal creeps like Albert upset omg omg they can’t take a knee for the anthem :(
Spencer High School in Spencer, Iowa is 91 percent white, while nearby Storm Lake High School, in Storm Lake, Iowa, has a population that is 84 percent non-white
being Hispanic doesnt mean your not white. Especially in south America , its majority white Hispanics.
good for Vince, kneeling during the anthem was stupid and didnt do anything but cause people to hate eachother.