
Blacks love these stories so they aren’t the only ones who kill eachother

Shocker a black is shot by another black

Hell ya. Blacks need to chill on that kneeling crap, ain’t gonna do shit

why does she look like a boy?

omg thats so racist wah wah wah, now broaches are racist, where does this highly sensitive garbage end, everything and anything is racist

except what was done to the Japanese AMERICANS was wrong, illegal immigrants dont have the same rights as American citizens.

ok these are people sneaking into the country illegally. is anyone forcing them to break the law and sneak in?

why do lesbians want to date women who look and act like guys? why not just be with a guy?

broaches are now racist? jesus black people have nothing else to do but jock white people all day for everything they do.

racist shit but ok, your just following along with all the other racist scumbags on this site who defend that they aren’t racist because talking shit about white people is cool because they are all evil and deserve it.

you forgot, the blackroid xmas tradition of flashmobbing stores, where 10 to 20 blacks storm a store stealing what they can as fast as they can. This is exclusively a black xmas tradition Mike, you racist scumbag.

I dont think people who eat Papa Johns gives a fuck that he complained about idiots kneeling on the field over some perceived inferiority complex. Im sure Papa John eaters probably think players who kneel are dip shits too.

it seems like when NFL owners or papa fucking john complain about losing money and blaming it on blacks kneeling like goofs during the anthem, it bothers writers on this site and liberals in general. curious why.

its just another thing people cry an bitch about, like seriously 10 years ago, 5 years ago this was not an issue. Now blacks are turning the anthem singing into some privileged white supremacist action. And you cant deny thats what its all about.

I can handle it, free country, its just a really stupid pathetic thing to get mad about.

hard to take many black women seriously when so many have kids by multiple fathers, and than sell their children’s identity’s during tax season to make money from a tax refund (black people in Chicago do it), all while not working and collecting welfare.

gross slut

damn you actually wrote something that wasn’t incredibly racist towards white folk.

there have been hate crimes in this country for 300 years, yet blpypo want to blame it on trump since they cant get over the election. I think the end game for blacks is that they all want a certified check for 1 million dollars an than they will let it go.

its supposed to show reverence to the country as a whole. Not the military specifically. And its such a bad thing to stand up for 1 fucking minute to show the country respect? its only recently that we now are making anything remotely patriotic into some racist “white” thing. Pretty soon hanging an American flag on