
Trayvon was a punk thug, who cares.

Lebron spends more time shit talking a president who is actually creating jobs and getting people off welfare in the black community than actually examining why blacks live in ghettos and shoot eachother. God damn this country is stupid, guess Lebron is too. Trump is king

And Sarah Palin’s concern about support and respect certainly doesn’t extend to people of color: She has unapologetically referred to Black Lives Matter protesters as “thugs” and “rioters.”

I feel bad for the world than.

white people crying about this are sooo weird.

Omg this is sooo racist Lauren, Im so angry this is sooo wrong.

you know how I know your gay.................

Liberals are such scumbags that they would rather defend MS-13 members because they dislike trump so much. No wonder you lost, liberals are really the most stupid people on Earth.

ya that makes sense, keep them here, deporting is mean and racist. boohoo

its racist to want to deport illegal immigrants or MS-13 members?

why dont writers on this website use the phrase illegal immigrant? All I hear is this phrase “anti-immigrant”. Trump is anti “illegal immigrant” and wants to deport them, hes never talked about deporting a legal mexican citizen. I know I know that fits you agenda to make people think he hates all mexican immigrants,

are they in prison? they are not allowed to leave? What kind of writing is this other than to make people feel bad for people who snuck into the country illegally.

becuase they are immigrants, I mean illegal immigrants. They are forced to sneak into america and take farm jobs, while stupid people believe that no person is illegal and we should do away with the whole silly immigration process and just have an open border and welcome everybody.

why are you not calling them “illegal immigrants” since they are illegally here. Stop putting them in the same category as “immigrants” who are here legally. I know its your stupid retarded agenda to make people think that illegals are the same as people who are here legally. But they aren’t.

black people like this just diss the shit out of white people, and stupid ass white liberal morons cheer her on. holy fuck is that audience stupid

this is funny? I can imagine all the whites in the audience laughing and clapping for this idiot, whose actually shit talking whites, but liberals are too stupid to notice.

well thats the difference between whites and blacks, white people don’t give a flying fuck if blacks care about their issues, while black people cant shut the fuck up about white people not giving a fuck about black issues.

or maybe take your fucking meds and dont swing a bat at the cops. sorry but he was justly killed.

Coppola is italian/hispanic

jesus as much as all the writers at the Root hate white people, ya’ll sure write about them alot. I think people get yout stupid point, white people are awful and black people are on the rise and ready to take power.