Casa Bonita yayyyyyy
Casa Bonita yayyyyyy
well there are plenty of white mexicans, and maybe hes sick of Illegal fucks giving all Mexican americans a bad name. I hope good mexican americans will stand against illegal immigrants and get them out for good. POR LA RAZA
funny how the word “ILLEGAL” is left out of this story, Hmmm almost as if you want people to think that trump is going after people for being Mexican and not for being illegal fucking immigrants...... Only stupid people believe that dipshit
Good for Trump, another stupid post made on this site and he should have let those punk thugs rot and see how good they got it here.
He should get help.
how stupid is the writer of this piece, your idiotic liberal thoughts shared by the writers on this site are mind blowing. Hey Chris, dipshit, he helped get those kids out of a country that chops off fingers for stealing, yet you still write negative about the guy who got them home. Im guessing chrissy is another…
Domestic violence is about as Miami as cocaine
Why are you a racist?
why does every black girl I know already has 4 kids by age 25?
ok idiot so anyone who disagrees with Kaep being man of the year is a racist, great ideaology “agree with us or your a racist bigot” fuck Kaep and the stupid ass kneeling bullshit. Hope that bitch is broke in 5 years, while Trump is still laughing at him
jesus christ blacks just cant shut up.
cop should have shot out his tires, and told him “have a nice day now”
why you sad dog. hope your happy again in 8 years. Trump is staying pussy and your not gonna climb the social ladder.... peace out pussy
they all sleep with black guys?
another Liberal getting burned, bet that really hurts you
thank you, bury these liberal fakes one at a time. Guess these so called tolerant people are just as fake as they claim Trump to be
you sound like a jelous ex GF or something when you write about the trumps, like a creepy stalkerish ex GF.
shocking you didnt write anything saying Trump was good to help get those kids out of china, but of course the writers on this site are pure racist assholes.
in this America, we got a white president again, black people are pissed that its not a black man anymore, so black people will shit all over white people anytime but call racism when its done to them. Maybe worry about fixing Americas hundreds of ghettos inhabited by blacks
Hamilton Nolan woke up this morning and thought