So you didn't know that using your vagina as leverage won't come with consequences? Guess all the other affairs in the news were just outliers.....
So you didn't know that using your vagina as leverage won't come with consequences? Guess all the other affairs in the news were just outliers.....
@maythetechbewithyou: I hope you are being sarcastic.
I love how people are quick to forget that the first iPhone was released without 3G and AT&T already had a 3G network in place?
@laserguy: Did you forget that the first iPhone was released without 3G and AT&T already had a 3G network in place?
@Mark 2000: There is a big difference between Hubbard and Rand. And if Greenspan says something, I guess he is right?
@Mark 2000: Have you read Atlas Shrugged? It will bring perspective to this.
Or the increase in breast cancer is from the increase in sunlight exposure on your left side from driving cars.
If you accidentally updated and lost your free calls, you can go back to the apk before the update here:
@PoG: I did and I had to go back to an apk of the app before the update so that I can ride it until they force me to update down the road.
LendMe is great and all until you realize you can lend a book only once ever and for up to 14 days. When I buy a paperback at least I can lend it for however long I want and to as many people as I want.
Definitely can't get rid of Blockbuster and CityID on my Droid X. Fuckers...
Let the PR wheels churn.....
@Gimmi Mørgäikkönën: The saw was the most entertaining part of the whole clip....
@AndrosZ: It comes down to how many phones were affected. The antenna issue seemed more like a design flaw than mishap on a small number of phones. Apple didn't want to recall the 3+ million phones sold within the first week so they tried their best to PR their way out.
I am more amazed at his phone not losing data with that near death grip. Guess he might be on wifi.
Google's mobile image viewer still doesn't work on my Droid X..... are they changing that also?
@ddhboy: But Google Checkout is easy once you set up your credit card. Its a one click shopping experience. With iTunes you have to type your damn password every time. Only thing I can think of is all the iTunes gift cards my friends get for gifts.
Developers for Apple are bringing in 99.4% of the money even after factoring in the sizable market share of Android. What gives?
From the article: "People take plumbing for granted," Massey says. "But the reality is that plumbers protect the health of the nation. That’s how we think of our job."