
It’s not being an immature brat to not want to get played again. It’s throwing good effort after bad. Just move on and find friends who won’t be terrible.

What I find worse is when the person with whom you share a mutual hatred tries to pretend to be friendly. Like, don’t come over and say “hi”; I saw you across the room and ran in the other direction to avoid your bullshit! Be an adult and imagine I’m invisible, too.

Trust me, let it go. Check out her discussion history. Every other comment is an argument with someone else. There is no winning with aggressive people like that.

And you keep going. You are a real piece of work. Seek professional help.

Jesus fucking Christ, are you defensive. I’m just explaining that no, I don’t hash it out, ever. I deal with it by myself and move on. No one said anything about forcing anyone to talk it out. I was trying to clear up your misunderstanding of my statement. You seem to think that by reach out, I mean I reach out to

A) this is kinja and a discussion of personal conflict. Everyone tells personal anecdotes and that was me trying to explain why some people don’t want to “hash it out” when people like you insist we do.

Nope. There are multiple appropriate ways to handle conflict, not a single “adult” way. Some people will never see eye to eye with one another, and no amount of talking it out is going to fix it. Trying to force the issue is frequently a recipe for more drama, not for reconciliation. So long as said disagreement is

It sounds like you have some personal issues to work out. Be well.

Yup, she stirred up the drama and now wants credit for trying to be the bigger person and end it. It was a real ham fisted way of trying to publicly mean girl Taylor. I have no horse in this race, but this apears to be a 30 something woman trying to start a middle school lunch room fight.

Yeah, being an adult means you have the luxury of never speaking to a person again if you don’t want to, for any reason. Drama llamas thrive on rehashing old disagreements. Some conflicts don’t need to be resolved.

Christ, it’s like they’re all obsessed with her. Everybody has some kind of agenda, Step One of which requires that they fuck over / lash out at / become besties with / side eye / eat out Taylor Fucking Swift.

You’re assuming all disagreements are worth working out, though.

I don’t get from this she’s actually disputing any of the presented claims, only that she has not “lied” about them?

the journalist KNEW that the claims were false

I think her argument is not necessarily that she isn’t getting jobs for lying about her age (not that she did) but that the people who would be giving her jobs now believe that she’s actually 33, rather than 26. And I think the over/under thirty is a big thing for actresses, especially the ones whose rolls tend to be

Good. I hope the judge sides with her. I hated these “stories” when they came out and thought they stank of jealousy—and I never blame jealousy for anything. I strongly suspect that they went after her because she was hugely successful, definitely plus size and unapologetically sexy. Everyone knows that actors fluff

Maybe I’m real dumb, but in an industry where people are known for changing their names and age is an issue....why would a rumor of someone changing their name and fudging their age BE cause for not hiring them? I don’t understand Hollywood.

this doesn’t surprise me, when I worked for a well known TV studio in the casting department my boss cast her in a pilot and if she actually was 19 at the time there’s no way she would have cast her-too green.

Wait. Shit. I passed my Last Fuckable Day without knowing? I thought it was at 30! Turns out it was...last March!

This happens a lot. There are several celebrities I took special note of because they were almost exactly my age ... come to find, a few years down the road, they had become younger than me. As far as I’m concerned, they can have at it. Considering the LFD (last fuckable day) bar for women is set at 25/26.