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It’s been shitting rain all day. So here’s a solid relaxing on a rainy day song. Submerse - Fumes

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Gary Clark Jr. doesn’t owe you a thing.

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The day after Chris Cornell’s death last year, RHCP’s guitarist Josh Klinghoffer, a self-described shy nerd, came out alone after their show to pay tribute to Chris.

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Because a day like today reminds you that there’s definitely, definitely no logic, sometimes

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I first saw SG warming up for GnR at MSG, in ‘90 I think it was, & my older brother was dead on. He told me to c/o the lead singer, who looks like Jesus & sings like Satan. \m/ He was a fantastic vocalist.

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He had the ability to just take over a song. Here’s Billie Jean.

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In honor of the new Freddy Mercury movie, Jake Shimabukuro - Bohemian Rhapsody

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Another week of crappy news, need some magic to make it all go away!

Man, has it really been a year already? Dude had the most unreal range. Superunknown and BadMotorFinger got me through my teen angst years.

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Today marks the anniversary of Chris Cornell’s passing.

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“Going to See My Mother” - Electric Food