
God knows I'm no fan of Trump, but Kathy Griffin broke herself. She's made a career out of insulting people with the "I was just joking" excuse. The unfortunate thing about this is that it forces one to take a side when neither is worthy of sympathy or support.

Does The Onion still have a policy of only employing people from Wisconsin?

They should rename the column "Who wishes they had grown up in the '90s?".

The third one is, for me at least, hands-down the best of the series. There is no fat whatsoever on it. It has some of the best, rewatchable scenes of any action movie - the Waterloo scene, the rooftop chase in Tunisia (and the subsequent hand-to-hand fight in the apartment), and the car chase through Manhattan. One

Pretty sure Tinder wasn't around in 2010.

Pretty sure they are connected. They specifically said "Yuri" in the opener set in 1988, and the implication was that the real Yuri was quite young.

It's interesting. In many ways, you would expect metal to be born from anger and the downtrodden, in which case you would expect somewhere like Albania to reign supreme. Instead, they weigh in with a paltry 4, and it's properous, happy Scandinavia that takes the top spot.

Is there some sort of problem with Xfinity? I just watched the whole episode and there was no scene with an older Zimmerman featuring a conversation about Quantum. It cut to a commercial break when she walks into his room. Anyone else had that problem?

Marvel has a history of releasing terrible movie posters, which is all the more shocking given that they are based on comics. Remember the "Age of Ultron" debacle?

This is all the more remarkable because I don't think I've ever seen a photo of Pope Francis where he's not smiling. Even when he was hugging and kissing the feet of the poor guy covered head to toe in tumors, he looked happier than this.

Watch episodes one, three and nine of the first season, and one, seven, nine and twenty two of the second, and you should be relatively good to go.

I've never quite understood the "Also Starring" distinction. Is it purely show hierarchy, or is there some legal employment law rationale behind it?

Check out the version from that tour in the Superdome in New Orleans. Widely considered - including by Gilmore - as the best. It's on YouTube in excellent quality audio.

Not that all suicide isn't horrible, but hanging has always seemed particularly sad.

Wings? They're only the band The Beatles could have been.

Hard to disagree with these, though I would personally swap out Season 2, Episode 1, for Season 2, Episode 9. The scene in the cell with Leland and Cooper still gets to me to this day. "Into the light, Leland. Into the light."

That's what I said above.

I looked up 35 year Macallan, and the bottle I saw on-line was over $3,000. And he presumably left most of the bottle with Chuck, since he was able to drive home. That's a damned good friend.

I'm conflicted on Howard. Even though he's insufferable and smug much of the time (and I hate his taste in shirts-collars and tie-pins), he does generally come across as someone who is trying to do the right thing by his friends, employees and firm, especially in the second season.

My new house has a block glass window/wall like the one they have outside. How do they get that golden effect? Is it simply a matter of positioning a downward facing yellow-bulb wall-light above it?