I initially mistook it for William Carlos Williams.
I initially mistook it for William Carlos Williams.
Ja Ja Binks, no? He too rose to a position of some power in the Galactic Senate despite no previous political experience.
Has there ever been a movie which made so much money that people were less clamoring for a sequel to? Or a director less in touch with the wants of his fan base? James Cameron will have devoted/wasted (delete as deemed personally applicable) more than a quarter of a decade to this series when all is done.
"The Long Kiss Goodnight" is Renny Harlin's best movie, and I say that as someone who has thoroughly enjoyed more Renny movies than I've disliked.
My 8-year old daughter suggested a Dr Suess classic which offers up the possibility of rhyme coupled with paranoid delusional…
"Hale knew, before he had been in Brighton three hours, that they meant to murder him. And then the murders began."
While it didn't look like he was having a fun time of things, nothing definitive happened to his character at the end that would make it impossible for him to return.
Showtime - the CW of premium cable. Where a show is only considered a failure if it doesn't run at least three seasons.
I saw one of the these wandering around DC yesterday, and wondered what it was. Between this, the Eatsa restaurant I ate at today, and the driverless Uber I took on Saturday, I'm starting to think that Skynet is just around the corner.
I don't quite understand the business model. How many sandwiches would you have to deliver to make a return on investment in technology like this?
40%?! Damn, that's a pretty good batting average there. Jeter-like. Given your user-name, it makes me wonder whether you're one and the same.
Didn't Jane move to Monterey to start a new life? It would be stretching plausibility too much for her attacker to be living there too.
If having an office like his is the mark of a deadbeat, then I think I need to have a hard conversation with myself.
The rotten shark is hakarl. It's not nearly as bad as it's reputation would have you believe (though still unlikely to be something you'll order on a regular basis).
I lived in Asia and tried most things while there, but I could never bring myself to eat this. I'm not a huge fan of eggs to begin with, and I can't imagine this would do much to dissuade me.
Taylor looks like Brian Molko, circa 2005. They could make a sly pronoun joke by ending a Taylor-centric episode with "Every You Every Me".
"Mesmerizing" is exactly the right word to describe Kidman's acting during that scene.
Why is Chuck so hard up for cash that he has to sell his books just to come up with $40,000? His family is loaded. I appreciate (from personal experience) that when you're going through a divorce, you can't spend co-marital assets, but there's nothing to stop him falling back on the money he accrued prior to getting…
I have zero interest in Rod Stewart's music, but his autobiography was an entertaining - and surprisingly well-written - read. Truly a chancer who stepped in shit and made the most of it. Can't decry him that.