Almost everything in life is improved by the addition of mayonnaise.
Almost everything in life is improved by the addition of mayonnaise.
It'll be interesting to see how this plays out at the Oscars next year. In the wake of all the controversy at last year's overly white representation at the awards, the Academy is presumably desperately looking for a black actor/director/film to get behind, and here we have one of those rare instances where one man…
I saw the shooting slowed-down and close-up - there is no doubt that Cisco's head is no longer attached to the rest of his body. The second splash of red was the ketchup.
Out of curiosity, what search terms did you put in to find the image?
I must admit that I didn't expect the best looking woman I've seen this week to be within an article on soup.
Price's office is worthy of a 360 degree on-line tour. There's just so much fascinating detail in the background there.
What was the "NINJAS KILLED MY FAMILY" sign all about?
Which arguably suggests a much more accurate shot. To wing them once is poor shooting; but to do it repeatedly?
"Masterful" was a word that summed up much of tonight. And I agree with you completely on Angela.
I thought he was referring to Whiterose and Obama, with the pause before conceding there being a second person indicating just how powerful he considers Whiterose to be. Is he even aware of Elliot/Mr Robot?
That's what I assumed too…though not necessarily in that order.
I noticed it on the first (and, thus far, only) watch. It was terrific. I was mesmerized by the countdown, and probably missed other things that I need to rewatch.
It's funny you say that. In the excruciating after-show they had tonight, they were asked who the good and bad guys were, and Slater seemed really uncomfortable saying Elliot. Truth is, Dom is the good guy (gal?).
What an amazing episode of Mr Robot. The magnificent score not to mention the countdown on the road-crossing leading up to the shooting in the final scene. Just, bravo.
Goddamn, the Amiga was a good computer, for its time. That and the ZX Spectrum (actually, the 128k +2) were the Golden Age of computing gaming for me.
This is not the first time that Apple has pulled this stunt - they did it with the Shuffle a few years ago, and I haven't bought one since. The migration to Android begins here…
No mention of Season 2 of "In Treatment"? She was one of the best actors in an already excellent cast.
I don't doubt it. It's the cable version that puzzles me, more for it's inconsistency than anything else. They let "c**ty" fly through uncensored a few weeks ago, which just blew me away, and other episodes bleep some and leave the others in. It makes no sense to me, and I actually find it jarring (which is perhaps…
I know I go on about the swearing policy on the show, but really, what is it? I initially thought that they maybe got a couple of "fucks" per episode and then had to bleep the rest, but now they're bleeping out all of them. I don't understand the inconsistency. Can anyone shed any light on this?
Can't have been her regular turkey as the deli has presumably gone out of business by now, right?