I know how to pronounce it correctly but I choose not to.
I know how to pronounce it correctly but I choose not to.
Nobody else in the gym cares you are there. In the gym I go to for the most part everyone ignores eachother and just does their own thing unless they need a spot or they are with someone they know.
So its like a youtube short series but instead of being free to watch it whenever you want you have to sit at the tv at the exact right time for a 3 minute clip? No thanks.
Step 1: get a dog who refuses to sleep past 5AM
Its not letting me re-show his photo but Patrick Cook is innocent. He was set up by a former colleague and now in charge of a very powerful pharmaceutical company. Cook exposed the fraud and was exonerated by a detective with wild eyebrows.
I cannot for the life of me understand why people use any of the apple mice. They are the worst mice I’ve ever used. The magic/mighty mouse is the most painful unergonomic mouse I’ve ever used. Used it for a week at work, had immense hand pain, and went out and bought a gaming mouse that actually fits your hand. Best…
You know, I was on the fence as far as bank vs credit union but your clever name calling has totally changed my mind and I no longer support the big banks.
If I’m not drinking its either coffee, water, or sometimes coke. That’s about the extent of it. I’m pretty simple.
My traveling abroad consists of Canada so its pretty easy to transition.
Put them in drawers?
Put them in drawers?
I always bring an extra t-shirt and an extra pair of socks. 99% of the time I don’t use them but that 1% of the time is wonderful having them.
Now that its now freeze your balls off (that’s a scientific term in MN) cold out I will go on walks with my wife during our lunch breaks. Everyone else just sits at their desk or goes out to eat every day. It brings me joy knowing they will die and I will still be walking. Unless I get hit by a car.
So we shouldn’t take infographics from pornhub seriously?
Add a can of cream of mushroom/chicken/whatever soup to it. Also you can add in canned chicken for protein.
This was my go-to recipe in Afghanistan when the food was abysmal.
My brother walks all through the woods to find them. I just go to my front yard. I usually only get enough for 1 meal a year though. But I’m also lazy so I don’t feel like walking.
I’ve only used a neti pot once but it worked for me. I know it didn’t cure my illness or whatever but the saline solution washing shit out of my nose made me feel good. I won’t be rubbing onion extract with “healing vibrations” anywhere near my eyes though.
“Problem is we just learned my MIL (his parents are buying it) hates the taste of charcoal.”