
Sirius calls me all the time mistakenly thinking I will re-subscribe to them.

You can also save money by joining the Army.

Fish sauce is sooooo pungent. I used it in a stir fry/thai lettuce wrap thingy the other week and it stunk up my kitchen but it tastes good.

I play the lottery here and there but I think I’m good with money. I not only make my own coffee at home but I also make my own creamer. I don’t wash my truck because rain is nature’s car wash. I shop at Aldi and Costco unless the just don’t have what i need. I don’t go to the movies, mostly because I don’t care what

According to this I would spend $16,000 more over 20 years if I installed solar. My friends in Florida would save $3000 over 20 year or $12.50 a month. I’ll pass for now.

I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. Right now we use the sharing which works ok half of the time but it was never as good as google docs.

I will always put the comma before and. I don‘t care who says it’s wrong. They are wrong.

So maybe don’t connect unneccesary bullshit to the internet. I don’t need a smart fridge or even a smart TV (I have a HTPC that is easier to use and exandable). The lightbulbs would be neat I guess but I have never really seen a need to yell at my lightbulbs to turn them on or off.

Phone and computer connected have

When does Evil Week come back? I want to see the easiest way to start a nosebleed.

A week or two ago we were forecast to get between 18" and 3 feet of snow in MN. We didn’t get a single snowflake.

I’m pretty sure cassava, kohlrabi, and celeriac are made up foods. And none of those vegetables sound good except sweet corn and artichoke if its in dip form.

Step 1: Throw away pie.
Step 2: Eat cake.

*thumb up

I just don’t answer phone calls.

I was about to post this. I’ve never had any issues with mine and creme brulee.

When I worked from home I was poor so it was easy to not have snacks. Now that I work from an office I have the money to buy snacks but I don’t because apparently nobody sells Combos by the pound.

I can’t fathom spending $150 on jeans. I spend less than that a year on my entire wardrobe. I shop at thrift stores because I don’t care about fashion or clothing in general. I will wear whatever is on top of my drawer and I will wear it until it falls apart.