
Here’s what I do:
“Football is stupid. You are stupid”

Then I leave.

Tip if you’re a guy: Pray that there is something you like on one of the two shelves of men’s clothing.

Women’s clothes are stupid. At least guys pants are inseam and length. The only real difference is how much they hug your balls or flare at your ankles. This is the real thing women should march against.

Or just buy landscape fabric.

Yup. I work with both fee only and commission based planners and the fee only people always feel like better people in general. There is a higher standard since they have a fiduciary responsibility and they just seem like better people overall. Especially the people who were abiding by those rules long before the

This happened to me recently. We were fostering a dog through a local fostering group and another family in that group needed a babysitter for a week for their permanent foster coonhound (the dog was old and in renal failure so it would not get adopted out) and we watched it. We have a fenced in yard with chain link

Came to post something similar. This was a really long article for a movie (I haven’t seen it yet) that sounds pretty uninteresting/forgettable. I’m not saying its not good but will it be a movie people fondly remember? Quotable?

That’s a stupid quote. Flash has its place. You are an idiot if you think a flash should never be used.

Add chorizo and onions to the beans and use a poached instead of scrambled egg. Amazing.

For the same pay but as the new job title you will also have additional responsibilities.

My dog is pretty well trained, he sits, shakes, begs, lays down, jumps when we say he can, will not jump on counters or take food (human or pet) unless we allow him to, and has never bitten, growled, or gotten aggressive with any other dog or person.

Yea Resolve requires a strong computer. If you are just learning how to edit video I would strongly recommend against trying blender. That program is a nightmare to navigate. And I would also be super hesitant to edit video in it since it was not designed to do that. Its like making pizza in a microwave. Yea its

Blender is great for people who want to go bald but were cursed with a perfect head of hair.

I live 20 minutes from Minneapolis. My house would have cost at least twice as much if I lived closer. No thanks.

I actually encourage that attitude because it keeps them away from me.

Apparently there is if you read these forums. I love the midwest but i’m just a poor unhappy person with no job growth or aspirations in life apparently.

Because only people in cities are happy and can earn enough money to enjoy life. Fuck off with your elitist bullshit.

I know its a very unpopular opinion around here but cities are terrible and everyone that lives in them are terrible.

Its winter. Too cold to show off calves.

Housing where is not affordable? In the cities? Because If you go into the suburbs or god forbid smaller towns housing is totally affordable. I know a number of people in their mid 20's and 30's buying houses no problem. You know where they are buying them? Not manhattan or LA. That is just dumb.