
If the (more expensive) machine can’t handle my workload and it is also not upgradeable then yes, I believe it is not the right tool. For the majority of mac owners which is writing screenplays and blogging about how awesome their macs are they are fine. For people who actually need to do real work they are not.

There were 2 other imacs in the office that had the exact same issue.

I would like a new house...

My PC doesn’t crash every time I try to open more than 2 programs, photoshop doesn’t take 10 minutes to open, after effects and premiere don’t have fatal graphics card issues, the computer doesn’t randomly restart up to 10 times a day. So yea, I would call that more stable.

You cannot beat holding down spacebar and literally everything you could possibly need shows up in front of you. Its the biggest hindrance I face between maya and any other 3d application.

Your misfortune makes me smile. My work imac was so horribly unstable that I made enough noise and was allowed to switch over to a PC. No more problems.

We had 1 quarter of maya at when I was in video school and I was hooked. I got halfway through a book but when I was modeling a train I was yelling because in real life parts would hit and I got mad, threw the book down, and then made my own stuff. I haven’t touched it in a few years though since my student license

I like to call it fondontfuckingputthatonthecake.

As long as you have never touched Maya then I am sure Blender is fine. If you have even the basic idea of how to use Maya then Blender will frustrate the ever living fuck out of you. Its like putting square wheels on your car. Sure, it works but its bumpy as shit.

As a guy I can confirm that we are... utilitarian... with our wrapping.

I needed a jacket for a work trip. I bought it at goodwill because I have literally only worn it on that 1 trip. Not worth it.

Do people wrap presents still in the amazon boxes rather than opening them and re-wrapping properly?

I was actually like “where is the penis” and then it showed up. Now I am happy.

So when you are paying for ad time and you are charged for the reach you get, if the reach has been inflated 60-80% are you going to get a 60-80% refund? Or is that chalked up to an “oops lol we goofed sorry next time will be better :D”

Or do what I do and don’t wear a suit. Ever.

What does this have to do with Trump?

And the gif basically shows all of the things that happen.

They have the dough part down pat.