Does Star Fox count?
Does Star Fox count?
I believe you can use tab or shift+tab to go inward and outward of the different lists. I think if you right click on the margin, you can choose "set numbering" or something and choose to start from a custom letter. It resets after you stick a stick a higher (more general) level of lists in between them, though, so…
This machine has made many surgeries a lot less invasive, resulting in more efficient procedures and happier families.
A student at my school created a Pick Your Own Adventure game on the district's shared storage drive like this.
Brawl is as competitive as any other top-notch fighting game. Perhaps not as technically demanding in some aspects, but just as competitive.
Well, you could just have a single card, but more than one card could be used to make a larger arena (as opposed to printing huge cards like they did a couple months ago). And you could just have one per person for wireless. It's not like you need to move the cards around to control the game.
Well, the 3DS launched at $250, which is almost double the price that the DS Lite launched at, and the same price the Wii launched at. I think that the strong(er) yen has to do with the push up to a higher price. But I'm no economics expert.
I'm assuming you've never played Four Swords Adventures with a group of people. It's amazingly fun. By making certain screens exclusive to certain players, it somehow manages to make multiplayer even better. Having a screen that is secret to other people can be awesome in many game types, even if it's just a simple…
I'm sure there's probably some kind of defense against this (like a brand label on the back of the watch), but what if you flip it the wrong way?
Interesting. I love Pokemon, but I sort of hate Adventure time. I can't deny that the characters blended very well, though.
I'm pretty sure lobster shells are already red when they're alive.
I'm not sure if you understood the reasoning behind SgtBarry's comment or not, but just in case you didn't:
I think the point is more of getting us to understand the magnitude of the disaster rather than the plausibility.
I'd say it's unlikely to be developed by the same guy, unless he did it on his own independently, since he's involved with Kinect, I think.
Gotta have some sort of sacrifice. A surgeon could kill you if they were too stressed, frustrated with an unusual operation, really wanted to go back and see his or her family that they haven't seen in weeks, and just wanted to give up. Doesn't stop me from going into the ER. Gawker can leak your email in some way or…
I had the same record. But the guy above in the comments, tuckertuck, truly owned.
I read SMB as Super Mario Bros. But I guess it doesn't change much about your comment.
I just played both videos at the same time...and I'm really not sure how to describe the experience. It was interesting.
Is that MeMe Molly in the pic?
Is that Meme Molly in the pic?