
To my knowledge BLM has never shot up anywhere or killed anyone. When I was interviewing for a job for an organization that works with abortion we had to meet at an undisclosed location for safety reasons. I had to sign that I wouldn’t tell anyone where we met. Anti-choice fuck nuts have killed and bombed us. They

Way to fling this at Black Lives Matter.

Thank you so much! It took me a long time to even realize how to deal with it. But now I've learned to appreciate it.

I’m so tired of my curly hair not being “nice” or “professional” enough. It’s so ridiculous that curly hair has some kind of weird value attached to it.

As a Jew, I’m really not sure how to unpack this. I’m not religious in the sense that I go to temple or keep kosher or observe Shabbos ( although I may need to incorporate some of this due to JujyJunior), but I dunno if I like this. I don’t impose my views on other folks but this seems like a weird mix of celebrating

Nah it goes down to -11.

Yes. 40+ women have all tried to have sex with Bill, and when he couldn’t get it up, they all got upset and they all cried rape.

Soooooo, his theory is that Cosby’s magic dick was so amazing that he was fucking 40+ women on the side, and then when they couldn’t access his amazing penis anymore (because of Cosby’s ancient-ness/ impotence), they decided to get together and sue him? by claiming he raped them? That’s a really elaborate headcannon

he needs to shut up.

You know what sounds more like a money hustle to me? This Hot Take. When’s the last time Damon Wayans did anything even remotely culturally relevant? Sit the fuck down, Major Payne.

I can think of easier money hustles than accusing someone of rape.

Ah yes, I remember how readers of this particular site showed their true colors the first time Jezebel reported on this.

Obama IS center-right.

I think you meant “28 years”

You’re right. Bernie Sanders can’t save black people. And you don’t need to worry about it. Hillary is going to be president and maintain the same center-right politics that have been in place for 8 years. Welcome to America.

I was roofied once and I’m pretty sure at some point I made out with the dude who roofied me. I had half a drink and then everything else is a blur until I woke up half naked in this asshole’s bed. I was like - uh, where am I and who the hell are you? I thought it was an embarrassing slutty night until I realized

The CCTV tapes show clearly that the alleged victim was seen kissing at the bar with the employee and was seen entering the bathroom of her own free will. It shows a 90 percent chance it was consensual behavior.

Those three dudes who own the joint sound like parodies, but no, they are in fact real people who are that awful.

Isn’t this the guy that molested his transgender niece? The guy that “nice guy” George Clooney punched out on the set of “Three Kings”? The guy that Lily Tomlin lost her shit at? WHY do people continue to make movies with him, and why do people continue to throw money at him to fund said movies?