@LandofMinos. So stupid, he makes the Seppos look like a computer.: You mean the humerus?
@xsnowpig: makes me think about collar bone fractures, or knee ligaments.. but frankly never heard that either
@hookedoncars: This has to be on TV you know.. not in Science magazine. So it has to go a bit silly, for the ratings.
@eatadonut: Wait till they get to the coat hangers part.
@Kerc 2.0 beta: Image fail.
@Kerc 2.0 beta: Where exactly would you fit those? Coz they're going for the retro, minimalistic look.
@serenada: The "what if" people are very important, they ..make the world go round..
I've seen this as a software somewhere, you could wave at the camera to pick other clothes and it moved the image or zoomed it to fit your general body outline.
@NorthernRoamer: Who, me?
@Clancycoop: The player image loads ok, but pressing play has no effect. To watch video one must go to Vimeo website.
@shhhGoToSleep: Wow! That is incredible! Using a single, T shaped, tetris piece, you managed to make a star!
@vinod1978: "Hey guys, get some tools here, this guy says he's got a camera attached to his head but I hear ticking sounds"
@Chris Braak: Let me guess.. you have a secret desire for more steampunk.
@Sertrel: Doin' all that jumping and rolling and running and stumbling and diving in your own living room? Would be fun.. I guess...
@Lotus7: Agreed, but I'm talking about the straps.
@Chilli: photo fail